Chinadrip 100% new material drip tape
1. Matetrial: 100% new material
2. Diameter: 16mm
3. Thickness: 0.2-0.6mm
4.Spacing distance: 10cm 15cm 20cm 30cm ect
5. Flow rate: 1.0L 1.6L 2.0L
6. Sample: free
·With superior CV and excellent uniformity.
·With new type of labyrinth passages, excellent clogging resistance.
·Excellent pressure-reducing, longer for laying length.
·Made by high quality material and advanced technology, better for anti-corrosion and anti-ageing.
·Extruded with Emitter inside, light weight and packed by roll, good for transportation.
·The emitter is engineered to resist plugging with large flow path size having the largest corss setion in the industry worldwide.
Drip tape installation for vegetable gardens
Drip tape can be installed easily either above or below ground. It is designed for use in
vegetable gardens, narrow rows of vegetation, and for row crops. Most often, a vegetable
garden or vegetable crops are planted in parallel rows. This makes the layout of a drip tape
very easy.
Placement of drip tape for germination:
To successfully use drip tape for seed germination, the soil type, the drip tape outlet spacing,
and the depth and spacing between the drip tape laterals should be determined first. The drip
tape must be close enough to the surface and the drip outlets must be in close enough spacing
to germinate the seeds. For example, drip tape 4 to 5 inches deep was successfully used to germinate onion seeds in silt loam soil, while drip tape with 12 inch spacing failed to uniformly germinate the same crop.
When using a drip tape system, the right amount of water must be applied. If more water is
applied than the plants need, most of the benefits that the drip tape system provides will be
negated. The soil will be excessively wet, promoting disease, weed growth, and nitrate leaching.
Drip tape installation suggestions
Option one for large coils: Mount the drip tape spool on a stand at the end of the row, tie the
stand to the ground and pull the drip tape close to the ground.
Step 1: Install a drip zone or control valve that includes remote control valve or battery operated controller, filter, pressure regulator, and pipe adapter to PVC or poly tubing. We highly recommend using a 10 to 15 PSI pressure regulator.
Step 2: Lay out the main lateral or supply line, PVC pipe, or poly tubing perpendicular to the rows.
Step 3: Place the drip tape at the layout or spacing selected (see the two options suggested above).
Spacing suggestions: Lay out the drip tape at the center of the vegetable row with one line per row,
or one line between every two rows if the bed is less than 2' wide.
Company Information
Chinadrip Irrigation Equipment (Xiamen) Co.,Ltd., is one of the leading professional irrigation system manufacturer and servicer in China.
With rich experience in both manufacturer and quanlity control, we supply wide range of irrigation products to over 50 countries worldwide.
Our Products Line
Our products include micro-sprinkler system,drip irrigation system,filter system,fertilizer system,garden watering kit, tubing and their fittings ect which are all manufactured by the advanced technology and good quanlity materials,widely apply in agricultural irrigation ,landscape,famliy garden, greenhouse and sport course and so on.
Our Experienced Team
Chinadrip has been training a team of professional staffs in design,technology, sales, customer services and quality control in the past 8 years. We are a group with strong integration who work toward the same goal: To provide our customer with the best services by not only the strong technilogy support but also intergrity and friendship.